EFT Testimonials

“After two sessions of EFT I shot my lowest round of the year in the club championship match play. I also lowered my handicap by three shots over the summer.” …… Kenny L. Cinti.

“The day after using EFT I played in a scramble and was hitting the ball about 30 yards longer than normal and my usual slice had disappeared. My playing partners asked if I had been secretly taking lessons.” …… Dan L. Cinti.

“EFT helped me qualify for the US Open sectional qualifier. I birdied two out of the last three holes to qualify and I was tapping all the way in.” ……Steve P. Fla. PGA Professional

“My bowling average is 160. I tapped for only fifteen minutes in the afternoon and rolled a 581 which is 193 avergae. I had used EFT to improve my health but never thought about it for performance improvement.”……Kim S. Cinti.